Monday, May 08, 2006

Outside the back yard

I don't go looking for birds. I'm not that kind of bird-nerd. Instead, I just pay attention to the ones around my home or where ever I happen to be. I was way down south checking out a facility for my mom's care when I realized I was next door to the Wildflower Center. I'm a member, so I popped over and hit the Restoration trail. To see what I could see. Plenty of Mocking Birds were out. First bird I saw loudly and rapidly went through the calls of about 10 species of birds. Had to be a mocker. I think they show off to get a mate. This one was at the top of a young live oak singing and occasionally hopping from branch to branch to show off his wings.

I moved on through the various research plots, taking snaps of butterflies as I saw them and listening to birds. I only saw one for every 10 or so I heard. It was about 3 and they were staying well covered, for the most part. I would have seen more had I stayed in one place for a while, but I was just there for a quick visit. I did see a Painted Bunting for the first time. I also took snaps of what I think is a flycatcher and what may be a warbler. Even with my zoom, their images are small and hard to identify. Gotta go back soon with more time to kill and just sit and wait for them next time.

Here are stock pics of a Painted Bunting and a Mocker, the two I know I saw.

Here is the shot I took of the elusive bird I had trouble identifying. Wouldn't stay still and hard to get a good shot of. I think it's the Eastern Wood Peewee (a flycatcher.)

Here's a good stock shot of one. What do you think?

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