Sunday, August 20, 2006

Lots of Male Hummers Now!

Changed the nectar in the feeders today. Made a huge difference in visitation. Saw a large number of male ruby-throated hummers at the feeders this evening. I put a Oriole feeder on the front porch and while I was hanging around a male ruby throat came up on me and stopped. He heading for the feeder, but saw me and stopped dead, He hovered for a while, twisted his body just enough for me to see his apparently black throat go red, and then black again. This is the main problem telling a male ruby throat from a male black chin. At certain angles their throats can look darn similar. Throw in that they're the same size, have the same call, and don't behave all that differently and you have the makings of hard to distinguish birds. Just pleased that they are coming around in numbers now.

When I got back from Virginia, I changed the nectar in the feeders and accidentally made it a little sweeter. (I filled the water to the wrong mark.) Lo and behold, the hummers liked it so much, they came back often. Soon I saw more individuals, and all of a sudden I saw lots of males where I had seen only females before. I make the nectar like that from now on--a half cup of water per 2 tablespoons of sugar. (The recipe said to use 5/8ths of a cup). I used the same measure for the oriole feeder. We'll see what happens.

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