Sunday, August 20, 2006

Crippled by dependency

I haven't been posting because I can't get my iPhoto to work and I have it stuck in my head that I can't post without pix.

Well, of course I can. I just haven't. Silly me.

News? Well, the ruby-throated and black-chinned hummingbirds continue to frequent my dual feeders. Yesterday I put up an oriole feeder, which looks a lot like a hummer feeder except it's orange and has larger feeding openings that are covered by spring loaded bee guards. (This is where I'd add the photo if I could! Dang it!)

Will the orioles come? I don't know, but the Orchard Oriole and Bullock's Oriole range through here during summer and the Hooded Oriole comes close. The Baltimore Oriole migrates through here. We shall see what we see. They like the edge of woods. Perhaps they won't come to the city. Anyway, I have a feeder for them now.

Got a mockingbird in the yard! I hope she nests. They are very cool birds, but I haven't seen them around the house much. They nest like crazy in small trees and shrubs up north where I work (Duval and Mopac). I have more small trees and shrubs now in the yard. Perhaps they will nest here too? Lord knows I got plenty of insects for them to eat.

Not much else to report. The intense heat and humidity keeps the birds from much activity during the day.

More later.

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