Wednesday, June 06, 2007

More Baby Photos

I was at the Hancock HEB Monday (the 4th) morning when I noticed a pair of Flycatchers in a small juvenile oak near the entrance. They were Western Kingbirds and they were busy catching flying insects, unconcerned with the commotion around them.

I had no camera so I couldn't get any shots. But I went back today and not only got some shots (not very good, the light was way too harsh) but I found out why they were in the tree. They had built a nest there. And the little guys were visible from the ground. Just fuzzballs right now. Very young. Check out these pix.

Didn't get great shots of the parents. Here's a couple though.

I get harassed by the mockingbird in my yard now anytime I'm out there. Here's the latest squawk photo.

Here are the latest of the little guys. Look how much they've grown!

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